Post-Election Reflection:
Shaking Hands… and Sportsmanship
VictorianCardHub Election Reflection:
Which Shall it Be?
Patriotic Americans argued in the early days about which should be our National Bird:
Some voted for the Eagle… others for the Turkey.
Over the next few days, Americans will be voting again. It’s felt to me like we’ve had some similar debates in the 2024 countdown… an Eagle or a Turkey for America’s next Season of History?
I’d like to offer a brief VictorianCardHub Election Reflection on the historical showdown.
Patriotic Americans voted both ways.
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin began meeting already on July 4, 1776, trying to hammer out a design for an official national seal. The process of deciding took a lot of time and discussion, with Ben Franklin strongly resisting the choice of the Eagle. Eventually, Franklin was outvoted. But he complained: “For my part, I wish the eagle had not been chosen as the representative of this country.”
By next weekend, perhaps half of all voting Americans may be complaining with similar words. But hopefully our nation will get over it and move ahead with whatever choice is made.
BTW: You’ll have decide for yourself which candidate is the Eagle, and which is the Turkey 😉
Prior to the COVID Shutdown, we had a VictorianCardHub Shutdown. Actually, this Blog and website has been on bed rest for over 5 years, long before COVID 19 was in anyone’s vocabulary!
But a LOT is now happening in the world of Victorian Cards, and it’s time to revive this site and get some fun and information flowing again. We hope these posts and the VictorianCardHub site will brighten your day and cure whatever ails ya… with healthy doses of Victorian images and history to lift you up and bring you joy.
As they used to say on the empty roadside billboards:
Watch this Space
As we move into the holiday season and New Year, and then beyond, the Victorian Card Hub will be a resource and clearing house for a wide range of insights and news. You will find here links and information about everything from 19th Century Social History to the sale if the legendary Steve Rotman Collection.
Again: Watch this Space.
FYI – – These cards celebrate that Eagle won the day… and had the Turkey for dinner.
My VictorianCardHub Election Reflection boils down to this:
May this next Season bring all Patriotic Americans joy, and may it bring our nation prosperity and peace.
No matter which bird gets the most votes.